Monday, February 20, 2012

Spot On, Liberals ID'ed

I read this diddy from the comments on National Review Online. The comment from someone named "Mother of 4's" wrote in response to the forcing of Catholics to pay for abortificents. She said,
"Lefties commonly believe that social conservatives are going to make them behave by force. This is because force is the lefty default position. If they believe some light bulbs are evil they enact laws forcing people to buy the right light bulbs. If they believe some vehicles are evil they enact laws forcing people to buy the right vehicles. If they believe some speech is evil they enact laws forcing people to speak only the correct things.

Left-liberals operate on the principle that anything which is not explicitly permitted must be forbidden and anything that is explicitly permitted must be mandatory. And they project that view onto conservatives because they can't conceive of any other possibility."

Hoary Shit, she nailed it!

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